This Blog is dedicated to the intellectual pursuit of God & Scripture. To discuss, determine to pray and listen, to grow in God. This site is dedicated to Our Lord Jesus Christ and exists to provide a means of learning for all. From the non-Christian with questions to the "Guru of Scripture" together sharing knowledge and perspectives, with an ultimate goal to obtain a broader understanding of scripture as well as a more intimate relationship with Christ.
Monday, January 03, 2011
Fire: It Hurts So Good
Climb With Love
What will I find at the top? What will I discover along the way? We climb for an ultimate reward of summit which few have recorded as have done this, (Paul being one) but the journey gives us a view as well. That is, a view of our self. Risk, reward and fear seem to increase together. Climbing requires strength, steadfastness and fearlessness and how much of my own well being am I willing to sacrifice in exchange for a destiny fulfilled. How will I handle the fears which try to capitalize on my vertical journey? How determined am I? How is this determination cultivated? There is no Reward without sacrifice, no sacrifice without Risk, and no Risk without action. I must move. I must go up. But potential reward is still not motive enough to move much of the time. What causes us to move I ask? I believe, that which prompts us to move is only that which moves our hearts. “We love because he first loved us” We need to cry out for His heart. We are nothign without love. We are without use without love. Love it seems is a prerequisite to use, and Jesus is the prerequisite to Love. If it is fear that prevents us from climbing higher and true love casts out fear, then we must know love each day if we wish to continue our epic journey upward. Love will increase as the elevation increases. Love assures our minds and increases our peace, securing our foothold. Love before you climb lest you fall.